api Package

api Package

api.v5_1 Module

You have to define a group (in the cleverreach admin panel) for each language. The form code is optional, we use the first form if it is not provided.

The Cleverreach API requires suds: https://fedorahosted.org/suds/

You have to define the following parameters in your settings.py:

CLEVERREACH = {‘api_key’: ‘<API KEY>’,}

API documentation is at http://api.cleverreach.com/soap/doc/5.0/

class cleverreach.api.v5_1.Client

Bases: object

forms_activation_mail(form_id, email, doidata=None)

Will send the activation mail to the given email. You will have to manualy add the receiver first with “receiver.add” or use an existing one. If the user allready is activated, status will return an error.


Returns the HTML code for the given embedded form. form_id – the id of the form (not the list!)


Returns a list of available forms for the given group. Forms are object with the properties [id, name, description]


truncates the contents of a the Group

Warning: This may have heavy impact on statistics and campaigns since every related data (receivers, orders, events) will removed.


Returns a list of group classes of the form:

   id = 108907
   name = "test1"
   last_mailing = 1335887342
   last_changed = 1335886187
   count = 84
   inactive_count = 0
   total_count = 84

The dict keys are actually object properties.

query_data(method, *args, **kwargs)
receiver_add(list_id, receiver)

Adds a new single receiver

This function tries to add a single receiver. If the receiver allready exists, the operation will Fail. Use receiver_update in that case. The default form only accepts email, registered, activated, source and attributes. To add more fields you have to add them as attributes. Make sure the keys are the same as the name of the fields in the form. (Check with get_by_email) Attribute keys may only contain lowercase a-z and 0-9.

receiver_delete(list_id, email)

Deletes an email out of an group.

receiver_get_by_email(list_id, email, level=1)

Gets userdetails based on given readout level. Possible levels (bit whise):

000 (0) > Basic readout with (de)activation dates
001 (1) > including attributes (if available)
010 (2) > including Events (if available)
100 (4) > including Orders (if available)
receiver_set_active(list_id, email)

Deactivates a given receiver/email The receiver wont receive anymore mailings from the system. This sets/overwrites the deactivation date with the current date.

receiver_set_inactive(list_id, email)

Deactivates a given receiver/email The receiver wont receive anymore mailings from the system. This sets/overwrites the deactivation date with the current date.